In the past few months Color Of Change has been swamped.We’re busy fighting back against Trump and fighting for Black people; and we’re happy to be able to do this work. Since the election we’ve received a huge uptick in emails from our members asking how they can get involved with our work in a deeper way. After careful consideration we’ve come up with a plan. We are launching our first ever Volunteer Communications Team.
This team will be trained by Color Of Change staff and will become an integral part of our organization by communicating with other members. Each day our organizing team spends hours reading and responding to stories from Color Of Change members-- some that express Black joy, and others that demand that we continue to fight back against Trump’s racist agenda. We take communication with our members very seriously and want to hear from you, but with our current political climate the volume of daily messages we receive has become overwhelming. This is why we are starting the Volunteer Communications Team, to have members like you communicate with other members on behalf of Color Of Change.
We're raising $25,000 to host trainings for our Volunteer Communications Team. Our first training is this Friday in New York City and we plan to host 3 more live trainings in the next 3 months, with events in DC and Oakland.