Support the Override on June 20th! Vote Yes on Question 1!

Don't gut education and public safety! Support the override on the June 20th ballot!

What does YES on 1 fund?

A YES on Question 1 will restore cuts to public safety, education, and the highway department in the short term while the Town works to address the long-term financial challenges facing us. Significant cuts without the override include:

  • three firefighters
  • two police officers
  • a heavy equipment operator
  • more than 30 staff members in the public schools

Of the $2.5 million, $1.1 million will go to restoring proposed cuts in education and the remainder of the override will go to support various town departments, including:

  • General fund, which pays for employee benefits and other items: $694,774
  • Fire Department: $216,480
  • Police: $196,773, including $177,222 in salary
  • Public Works: $74,241 for salary and projects, including fixing potholes
  • Building Inspection: $71,241
  • Health and Waste: $19,450
  • Select Board: $12,600

Why must we raise the levy and what are the biggest expense drivers?

The Town salaries and benefits have been outpacing revenues for many years. To adjust for this, the Town has been drawing from its free cash reserve balance for years which is no longer sustainable. The key cost drivers to our deficit are: 

  • salaries and wages - projected to increase 3-4% (includes 2% COLA plus step and lane increases of 1-2%) 
  • health insurance costs expected to increase at 5%, 
  • energy costs projected at a 30% increase next fiscal year
  • pension assessment estimates at 8.25% 
  • global inflation

Tax Impact: $252 on the median home -- or to be exact 31 cents per $1,000 of assessed value.

Donations will be used to purchase yard signs and door hangers, and to support get-out-the-vote events.

If you would like to host a yard sign, tick yes or no to the right to let us know. Email Us if you would like more than one sign.

No-excuse Absentee and Vote-By-Mail options are both available to all registered voters. Contact the Town Clerk's office for more information at 781-631-0528.

Contribution rules

  1. I am at least eighteen years old.
  2. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  3. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).

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