This community of more than 250,000 volunteers has sent more than 31 million letters to voters across the country since 2017.
Your contribution helps keep our small team running so we can improve this platform for our volunteers and continue developing innovative and impactful ways to increase voter participation this year and into the future.
In 2023, this community wrote more than 1.15 million letters to voters across the country—and in 2024, we're going even bigger!
We’ll be crunching the numbers on the impact of our 2023 campaigns over the next few months, but in each of these elections—especially those that came down to a margin of a few hundred or thousand votes—reaching as many voters as possible was critical.
Thank you for contributing to these efforts, supporting Vote Forward's programming, and helping make letter writing more accessible to more volunteers!
If you are interested in contributing more than $10,000, please contact