Our community of more than 250,000 volunteers has sent more than 30 million letters to voters across the country. Your investment will allow us to:
Maximize the effectiveness of each voter contact, including experimentation on letter format, mail timing, and message content
Improve our product and tech infrastructure to support volunteers at scale
Mobilize more volunteers and groups to boost their efforts, including through partnership coalitions and virtual and in-person letter writing events
Expand the set of outcomes we try to affect, including experimentation with voter registration, persuasion messaging, and constituency-focused approaches
Integrate letter writing into hybrid programs for larger joint impact with a wider set of partners
Your contribution helps keep our small team running so we can improve this platform for our volunteers and continue developing innovative and impactful ways to increase voter participation this year and into the future.
There’s so much at stake in 2024—and many voters to reach—so we’re going BIG! This year, our team will lead Vote Forward's scalable, evidence-driven, volunteer-powered handwritten letter tactic to reach 10+ million new and infrequent voters in critical elections across the nation. We'll also continue developing experimental campaigns to expand and strengthen our efforts while supporting the incredible work of our volunteers around the country. Thank you for contributing to this work!
If you are interested in donating via wire, please contact Jada Tacka at jade@votefwd.org.
Vote Forward is a nonprofit organization working to boost voter turnout and voter registration among voters from traditionally underrepresented communities in the electorate.
A portion of our efforts are devoted to political activities, helping to boost turnout specifically among Democrats.