Your donation will help us defeat corporatists by recruiting and electing progressive candidates to Congress!
Please support our Win 2022 Victory Fund. To maximize your impact, pitch in $22 or whatever you can afford per month.
Help us ensure that the 2022 elections make a huge difference on addressing the climate emergency, Medicare For All, achieving racial, economic, and social justice, ending corporate control, promoting fair elections and voting rights, ending wars and occupations, creating green living wage union jobs, improving education, fair trade, and on so many other issues.
We need committed progressive leaders in Congress. That's why we're recruiting strong progressives to run, and we need your generous support now!
Please send checks to:
Progressive Democrats of America
Kimberly Buchan, Operations Coordinator
P.O. Box 150202
Grand Rapids, MI 49515-0202
Include your phone number, employer and occupation. Questions, email