Win TX-12 in the November election!

Trey Hunt, Homeless Housing Coordinator and mental health worker is running for the open seat of TX-12 in the upcoming election.

Trey is an advocate for several crucial issues that resonate deeply with our community. He is passionate about Affordable Housing, recognizing its pivotal role in fostering stable and vibrant communities. His dedication to ensuring accessible and affordable housing for all reflects a commitment to equitable opportunities for every resident in TX-12.

Moreover, Trey's stance on Criminal Justice Reform underscores his belief in fairness, justice, and rehabilitation within the system. He understands the need for transformative changes to create a more just society for everyone, regardless of background or circumstance.

What's particularly compelling about Trey's platform is his innovative approach to Reimagining the Military Industrial Complex. He envisions a future where the capabilities of this sector are harnessed for the development of renewable and green technology. By redirecting resources and expertise, he aims to shift the focus towards sustainable solutions, leveraging the power of this industry to drive positive environmental change.

Trey Hunt embodies the qualities we seek in a leader—compassion, vision, and a commitment to progressive change. His dedication to Affordable Housing, Criminal Justice Reform, and reshaping the Military Industrial Complex toward sustainability aligns with our shared values and the betterment of our community.

For more information, please visit:

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  3. I am at least eighteen years old.
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