Help elect Sanjeev Manohar for State Representative in NH!

Grassroots donors like you are vital to protecting our freedoms and way of life. As you know, this election could determine our very system of government - will you chip in today?

Sanjeev will work with you for a stronger NH: Here is his blueprint:

Lowering Costs for Granite Staters

  1. Stop Downshifting Costs to our Counties, Cities and Towns
  2. Shore up the NH Retirement Systems
  3. Address Skyrocketing Energy Prices
  4. Provide Permanent Property Tax Relief

Growing New Hampshire's Economy

  1. Develop Solutions to Address our Housing and Childcare Crises
  2. Increase the Minimum Wage
  3. Strengthen Workforce Pathways to High Need Carriers
  4. Expand Commuter Rail from Boston
  5. Legalize and Regulate Adult-Use Recreational Cannabis

Protecting Our Rights and Freedoms

  1. Protect Reproductive Rights
  2. Maintain Free, Fair and Efficient Elections
  3. Promote Transparency and Accountability
  4. Reduce Harm Caused by Ineffective, Inefficient, and Discriminatory Approaches to Criminal Justice
  5. Protecting LGBTQ+ People

Maintaining Healthy Communities

  1. Increase Access to Affordable Healthcare-Including Mental Health
  2. Protect Clean Water and Clean Soil
  3. Reauthorize Medicaid Expansion and Increased Reimbursement Rates
  4. Support Veterans and Their Families
  5. Prevent Gun Violence

Bolstering Public Education

  1. Fund Our Public Schools are Fairly and Equitably
  2. Increase Transparency and Limit Damage Caused by Education Freedom Accounts
  3. Repeal the "Divisive Concepts" Ban on What Teachers are Allowed to Teach about American History

Contribution rules

  1. This contribution is made from my own funds, and funds are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  2. I am a U.S. citizen or lawfully admitted permanent resident (i.e., green card holder).
  3. I am at least eighteen years old.

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