The Young Democrats of South Carolina is proud to announce our 2022 Annual State Convention: April 29 - May 1, 2022, in Greenville, SC.

Thank you for becoming one of our 2022 Convention Sponsors. YDSC has a goal to raise $10,000 over the next year to continue to grow our membership.
Please make Checks Payable to Young Democrats of South Carolina or YDSC and mail to:
307 Beverly Drive
Ladson, SC 29456
Please submit sponsorship by April 17th to be in the booklet.
2022 BLUE LIGHT: $22.00
- Name will be printed in the Convention Program
PATRON: $23-$100
- Name will be printed in the Convention Program
- Name will be announced during the Convention as a 2022 Sponsor
FRIEND: $101-$249
- Name will be printed in the Convention Program
- Name will be announced during the Convention as a 2022 Sponsor
- 1 Complimentary Convention Registration
- ¼ Page Advertisement in Convention Program
- Name will be announced during the Convention as a 2022 Sponsor
- 2 Complimentary Convention Registrations
GOLD SPONSOR: $500-$749
- ½ Page Advertisement in the Convention Program
- Name will be announced during the Convention as a 2022 Sponsor
- 2 Complimentary Convention Registrations
- Recognition from the microphone during the Convention
- ½ Page Advertisement in the Convention Program
- 4 Complimentary Convention Registrations
- Name will be announced during the Convention as a 2022 Sponsor
- Speaking privileges during the Welcome Address on Saturday
- Name and logo will receive premium placement on YDSC website
- Full page Advertisement in Convention Booklet
- Name will be announced during the Convention as a 2022 Sponsor
- Speaking privileges at the Luncheon (Awards Ceremony)
- Name and logo placement on all Awards Ceremony materials
- Name and logo will receive premium placement on YDSC website
- Thank-you recognition on all YDSC social media outlets and from local chapters throughout the state
- 5 Registrations to the Convention
- Full Page (back cover) Advertisement in Convention Booklet
- Name and logo placed on all Convention Material
- Name will be announced during the Convention as a 2022 Sponsor
- Premium placement of name and logo on YDSC website
- Speaking privileges during the business meeting
- Thank-you recognition on all YDSC social media outlets and from local chapters throughout the state
- Name featured on all Friday night Welcome Reception materials including table signage and banners
- Speaking privileges during Welcome Reception
- Thank-you recognition on all YDSC social media outlets and from local chapters throughout the state
- Name featured on all Saturday evening social materials including table signage and banners
- Speaking privileges during Saturday evening social
- Thank-you recognition on all YDSC social media outlets and from local chapters throughout the state