Help Yen Bailey fight for you!

My journey as an ethics attorney, a first-generation American, and a mom has been driven by a deep passion for justice, democracy, and giving a voice to those who need it most, as well as making this world a better place.

My vision for Florida includes:

  • Lowering Homeowners Insurance Costs: As a state frequently impacted by severe weather, we face a crisis with the skyrocketing cost of homeowners insurance. I am dedicated to finding sustainable solutions to bring these costs down for hardworking families.

  • Protecting Access to Reproductive Healthcare and Contraception: I firmly believe that every person should have the right to make decisions about their own health and body. I will fight to ensure access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including contraception and IVF.

  • Protecting North Florida’s Precious Environmental Resources: I will fight to protect the state parks, beaches, springs, and waterways that make this area unique and work to prevent oil drilling in the Apalachicola River floodplain.

  • Strengthening and Protecting Our Democracy: With a strong moral compass and a deep commitment to ethical governance, I will work tirelessly to ensure our democratic institutions remain strong and serve everyone, not just the privileged few. Unlike my opponent, who has been criticized for his support from powerful energy, insurance, and pharmaceutical lobbies, I stand with and listen to the people of North Florida. My focus will always be on what’s best for our community.

I cannot do this alone, and that's where you come in. Your support is crucial, so I can reach every voter, spread our message, and ensure we can bring the change we so desperately need. I know that it seems we may be facing impossible odds in this race, but I believe that together, we will emerge victorious. 

Will you join me in this fight by making a donation today? Every contribution, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to victory.

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