To all the High Schoolers ages 18 and up, college students, and young adults, this is your time to shine!
Unfortunately, you have watched the ugliest part of America unfold before you from the death of Trayvon Martin to George Floyd. Yet, you fought, you stood, you marched, you became activist in your own way, and you have made us proud!
Your future isn't down the road. Your future is now. Your healthcare is now. Your career search is now. Your parents' well-being is now. Your student loan debt reduction is now. Everything about your life for the next few years is all wrapped up in balancing the Senate. That's why your vote is so critical for America and for yourself.
Your voices have been so critical in this season, but so is your vote!
Non-registered high school seniors with upcoming birthdays between now and Jan. 5th, you may have missed the presidential election, but these run-off races are all yours! Let’s do this!!! (credit: Cielle Carol Scott)
Get registered and take it one more step and drop a few dollars to support Rev. Warnock who is committed to supporting you.