Build Power for Working People this Labor Day

Minnesota’s labor history is long, proud and hard-fought. From the Minnesota Pullman Porters who helped organize the nation’s first Black labor union in the 1920s, to the St. Paul educators’ strike this spring, workers here stand together to demand justice and dignity. 

Now, in the midst of a global pandemic and an uprising, working people are organizing through powerful collectives like CTUL and The Awood Center, standing up and demanding basic workplace policies like prayer breaks, safe working conditions, paid time to care and an end to wage theft. 

Split a $10 donation today between CTUL, The Awood Center and TakeAction Minnesota to continue the struggle this Labor Day.

CTUL organizes low-wage workers from across the Twin Cities, building power and leading the struggle for fair wages, better working conditions, and a voice in the workplace. CTUL advocates in workplaces and in the state legislature, where last year their members passed one of the strongest wage theft laws in the country

The Awood Center builds economic and political power amongst workers in the East African community of Minnesota. They’re taking on Amazon’s inhumane working conditions and were the first workers to bring Amazon to the negotiating table in the US

And at TakeAction Minnesota, we build people-centered government and campaign for policies that let Minnesotans thrive, including Earned Sick and Safe Time for workers in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth. But the fight is not over. We will continue to work with our partners until all Minnesotans across the state have Paid Time to Care

This is a day to honor the workers and organizers of Minnesota – and to support them. Give now to power the labor movement in 2020 and beyond.

Choose an amount to split:

3 Recipients:
Your contribution will be split evenly between TakeAction Minnesota, Centro De Trabajadores Unidos En La Lucha (CTUL), and 1 other group.
Make it monthly!


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