Kristin Alfheim

Election: Kristin Alfheim — Kristin Alfheim
Image of Kristin Alfheim

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Sister District for Kristin Alfheim (WI SD-18)
Can you chip in right now to help elect Kristin Alfheim to the State Senate?
Wisconsin Blue in '24
Can you chip in right now to help elect Kristin Alfheim to the State Senate?
Elect Kristin Alfheim WI SD 18
Sister District for Kristin Alfheim (WI SD-18)
Sister District 2024 Candidates
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Can you chip in right now to help elect Kristin and Stefanie?
Can you chip in right now to help elect Kristin and Patrick?
Kristin Alfheim Senate District 19
Celebrate Kristin's birthday!
Freedom isn't Free; We Need to Fight for it!!
Can you chip in right now to help elect Kristin?
Elect Kristin Alfheim WI SD 18
Freedom isn't Free; We Need to Fight for it!!
Support Kristin Alfheim for Wisconsin State Senate!
Can you chip in right now to help elect Kristin Alfheim to the State Senate?
Sister District for Judy Schwiebert (AZ Senate LD 2), Mandy Steele (PA HD-33), & Kristin Alfheim (WI SD-18)
Sister District for Mandy Steele (PA HD-33) & Kristin Alfheim (WI SD-18)