Aaron Marquez

Election: Aaron Marquez — Aaron Marquez
Image of Aaron Marquez

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AZ Kerry 2004 Crew for Aaron
Split a donation between Aaron Márquez and Tim Stringham TODAY!
Join me in the Fight for District 5 and defending our democracy!
GOTV with Congressman Ruben Gallego and Jevin Hodge for Congress
See why the NRA gave me an F!
Donate to Márquez for Arizona: Aaron Márquez for State Representative - District 5
Fight Dark Money with Sunlight
Watching this always gives me hope. Happy 4th of July!
Join me in the Fight for District 5 and defending our democracy!
Support City Year Alums Endorsed by New Politics!
Split a donation between Aaron Márquez and Ruben Gallego TODAY!
Help us pay for our digital ads!
Donate to Márquez for Arizona: Aaron Márquez for State Representative - District 5
Help us pay for our bilingual ads!
VoteVets Endorses Aaron Márquez
Flip the Arizona House: Split a donation between Aaron Márquez and the ADLCC TODAY!
Help Us Finish Strong for State 48!
DEADLINE: FY22 Pre-Primary Report due on JULY 16th
Hoya doing!
Flip the Arizona House: Split a donation between Aaron Márquez and the Arizona LD5 Democrats TODAY!
Backed by OUR community.
Split a donation between Aaron Márquez and David Lucier TODAY!
Backed by OUR community.
Thank you for investing in OUR campaign!
24 Hours to Unlock $2,500