Katrina Shankland

Election: Katrina Shankland — Katrina Shankland

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Title Author
Contribute Now to Support House Candidates from Wisconsin The ActBlue Team
Protect abortion rights. Help key Dems win in November. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Protect the Democratic majority in the Senate in 2024. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Protect the Democratic majority in the Senate in 2024. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Help Katrina Shankland DEFEAT a MAGA Republican and flip Wisconsin's 3rd Congressional District from red to blue. Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
The easiest way to defeat the far right in 2024.
DEFEAT right-wing Congressman Derrick Van Orden. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Support 3 progressives with good chances to win key battleground races this year. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Help Katrina Shankland flip WI-03 from red to blue! Pocan for Congress
Fight back against Trump and Fascism nationwide. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)