Larry Kissell

Election: Larry Kissell — Larry Kissell
This election has ended.
Image of Larry Kissell

Who's supporting Larry Kissell

Contribute Now to Defeat Hateful Republican Attacks Netroots for Hope not Hate
Attn: Nov. 1 Late Game Toss Ups In the House BNW
Donate to Larry Kissell
Contribute Now to Larry Kissell for Congress Kissell for Congress Staff
Contribute Now to Progressive Bake Sale chuckles
Contribute Now to Agnostics for Kissell blueagdem
Contribute Now to Crashing the States
Contribute Now to ActBlueNC James Protzman
Contribute Now to Greensboro for Kissell Juan Vasquez
Contribute Now to Where My Mouth Is Carl Manaster
Contribute Now to For John Edwards and For Progress jsamuel
Contribute Now to Larry Kissell for Congress OneCarolinaGirl
Contribute Now to Sanity Fair Candidates for Progress Peter
Contribute Now to Let's change NC from red to BLUE. Elena
Contribute Now to sandwichrepair Sandwich Repairman
Contribute Now to A Few Bright Bulbs Jonathan Hixson
Contribute Now to Glenn Magus Harvey's Endorsement List ActBlue Page Glenn Magus Harvey
Contribute Now to Chrisf's 2008 page Chris Freel
Contribute Now to True Blue Eleventh Scrutiny Hooligans and Asheville Democracy for ...
Contribute Now to Finish the Deal! Glenn Magus Harvey
Contribute Now to Jeff's Netroots Page Dr. Jeff in Maryland
Contribute Now to Presidential swing state congressional races Josh Albrektson
Contribute Now to JD's favorites JD
Contribute Now to People For's Progressive Champions People For the American Way Voters Alliance
Contribute Now to LivPAC Candidate Slate Honorary Chair, Earl Blumenauer
Contribute Now to Progressive candidates I recommend Roger Freedman
Contribute Now to Bear Left Ian Lekus
Contribute Now to A Bluer Congress in 2008 Jon Adams
Contribute Now to Progressive Electorate Candidates The Progressive Electorate
Contribute Now to Turn North Carolina Blue in 08 Blue South
Contribute Now to Helping NC Dems Win The Southern Dem/B. Muse
Contribute Now to Kissell for Congress Kissell for Congress
Contribute Now to 2008 Challengers to the House Homophobic Hotlist Gibbo
Contribute Now to Around the Corner ultrageek
Contribute Now to NC Politics Blog Don Pickerel
Contribute Now to Netroots Democratic Wave Kim
Contribute Now to Some important races Ben M.
Contribute Now to Some Tight Races That Can Use Help Jason
Contribute Now to Because He Is Not A Putz, Unlike Robin Hayes Daniel Moraff
Contribute Now to Tell Hayes: All Americans Love America! No More McCarthy
Contribute Now to Democratic Underground Lex at DU
Contribute Now to Hope for 2008 kurmat13
Contribute Now to Judy & Cheryl for Larry Judy Hertz
Contribute Now to Let's stop the hateful rhetoric of Rep. Hayes Proud to be American liberals
Contribute Now to Real American - Larry Kissell, NC-08 Betsy Muse/BlueNC
Contribute Now to So, it's kind of my birthday... christopher in nc
Contribute Now to Let’s Turn North Carolina’s 8th District Blue, Doggone it! Jon Silver and the Pups for Peace
We Need A New Congress! The Chocolate Chips
Governor Jim Hunt Event hosted by Ambassador Jeanette Hyde Kissell for Congress
Contribute Now to Money Where It Matters 2010 Jerry B Spires
Contribute Now to Ramseiden Blue Martin Schneider
Contribute Now to 2012 Frontline Democrats Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
Contribute Now to 2008fund Christopher Walker
Contribute Now to 2012 Fund Christopher Walker
Contribute Now to Show no mercy Camsteve
Contribute Now to Pizza for Progressives Robert Peterson
Contribute Now to Candidates with Courage blogger
Contribute Now to Progressive Blue Endorsed Progressive Blue blog
2012 Hot Races Up & Down Michael Adam Childers
Contribute Now to SPUR THE ECONOMY-2012 DEMS John the Populist
Contribute Now to Good Government is Possible Russell
Contribute Now to Enduring Democratic Majority Skulnick
Contribute Now to 2008 Congress Candidates A Donor
Contribute Now to Toward a Working Majority - US House Regi Burns
Contribute Now to Steve's List 2008 Steve Collins
Contribute Now to Building a Majority for Change Congressman John Conyers