Claire McCaskill

Election: Claire McCaskill — Claire McCaskill
This election has ended.
Image of Claire McCaskill

Who's supporting Claire McCaskill

Democrats MUST Take the Senate 2018
Help Claire Across the Finish Line!
Contribute Now to HELP for us ALL! Win one for Teddy Public Option Partisan
Supporting Claire from afar Susan Gobreski
Rush a Donation Now!
Contribute Now to SPUR THE ECONOMY-2012 DEMS John the Populist
Contribute Now to Claire McCaskill Chuck Schumer
Give now to help Claire McCaskill and Jacky Rosen win!
Keep the Senate Blue George
Donate weekly to Claire McCaskill!
Contribute Now to Progressive Government for People, not Corporations Wayne Walker
Contribute Now to Blue Movie Pac M J E
2018 House and Senate
Let's Flip All the Things
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Contribute Now to Help Russ Feingold Win!
Contribute to Joe Donnelly and Claire McCaskill Chuck Schumer
Hillary and XXXXX have already inspired so many people, but this next step is up to us. Donate $5 or more today to help send Hillary Clinton and XXXXX to the White House to make history!
Contribute now to help Elizabeth Colbert Busch win! Claire McCaskill
My 2012 Candidates Michael Adam Childers
Folks Michael Adam Childers
BLUEr Ozarks of Missouri and Arkansas TC
Contribute Now to Liberals Creating Progress Campaign To Elect Great Democrats Joseph Segal
Donate now to support Claire!
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For a Democratic Senate Jonah
Dems race to take the Senate! Let's win tossup races in AZ, NV, TN and TX!!!
Decitect for Dems 2012 decitect
Support Cory Booker
Red-state Dems who voted for Manchin-Toomey StephanieWDC
Contribute Now to Spanking McConnell politics64
Contribute Now to 2012 Kene
Help Claire McCaskill, Tammy Baldwin and Mazie Hirono win!
Thank you!
Contribute Now to Frisco's Favorite Dems - 2012 frisco
Support Mark Warner Claire McCaskill
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Contribute Now to A Favor To Michael Karter
Support Claire McCaskill Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
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Sen. Claire McCaskill took bold action to save healthcare for millions of people Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Take on Todd Akin & the extremists Senator Jeff Merkley
Blues Cats suncat
Contribute Now to CHANGEing America william cheever
Frisco Fundraiser: Dems in 2018 Senate Toss-Up Races Phil Francisco
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Senate 2018 Tossup
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Contribute Now to Claire McCaskill and Chuck Schumer
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Contribute Now to Support Claire McCaskill Kirsten Gillibrand
2012 Grab Bag in 2011 Michael Adam Childers
Support Claire McCaskill!
Fight back! Help elect some progressive women!
2012 Democratic Senate: 9 Women Candidates The SoapboxRoadShow Com
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Thanks for taking action!
Contribute to help Michael Bennet win and take back our Senate majority!
Contribute Now to Help Patrick Murphy Win!
Thanks for taking our survey!
Give now to help Claire McCaskill and Tammy Baldwin win!
Close Senate Races
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Civic Democracy Diane Parris
FEC Deadline: Support Patty Today
Thanks for standing up for voting rights!
Thanks for adding your name to support Chris Koster for Missouri’s next governor!
Contribute Now to Frisco's Favorite Dems - 2012 frisco
Support Democrats
Contribute Now to Pro-Choice people for Pro-Choice candidates Sophia Yen MD MPH
Contribute Now to Missouri Women's Leadership Coalition Christy Garnett, President
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Contribute to Michael Bennet
Gateway Jason Franklin
Legitimate Leaders End Rape
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Contribute Now to help Claire fight back. Don't let the Tea Party win. McCaskill for Missouri 2012
Help Claire Stay in the Senate! Senator Jim Webb
Fire With Fire Ducson Nguyen
Thanks for speaking out!
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Support the fight for a higher minimum wage
Donate to help elect Heidi Heitkamp and Claire McCaskill! Kirsten Gillibrand
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Contribute to Mark Pryor, Mary Landrieu, and Mark Begich
Flip the Senate 2018!
538 Senate Tipping Point
Senate 2018
Donate to help Democrats defeat their NRA-backed opponents
Support Jeanne Shaheen Claire McCaskill
Thanks for speaking out!
Contribute Now to Support Barbara Boxer Claire McCaskill
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Thank you for adding your name to speak out against a government shutdown!
Thanks! Your name has been entered.
Donate at least $10 today and you’ll be entered to win a free signed copy of Claire McCaskill’s new book, Plenty Ladylike!
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Support the fight for a higher minimum wage
Keep the Senate Blue Avi
Contribute Now to Claire McCaskill - A Fighter Jim Webb
Thanks for standing up for voting rights!
Contribute to Hillary Clinton
The Steffens' List
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Contribute Now to SMCDFA Save the Senate, Take Back the House Taskforce SMCDFA Taskforce
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Give now to help Claire McCaskill and Heidi Heitkamp win!
Donate now, or risk losing MO’s Democratic Senate seat!
Thanks for taking action to protect our healthcare!
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Stand with Women Senators in 2018!
Stand with Women Senators in 2018!
2012 Hot Races Up & Down Michael Adam Childers
Contribute Now to Help Tammy Win!
Thanks for adding your name!
Pedestrian Xing Harlan Rotblatt
Contribute Now to The Fight for 2012 Twitter: Futuredems
Contribute Now to Help Catherine Win!
Contribute Now to help Claire fight back. Don't let the Tea Party win. McCaskill for Missouri 2012
Stop Todd Akin Patty Murray
Contribute Now to For Democracy Chrissy McManus
Donate monthly to Claire McCaskill!
Contribute Now to Support Robin Carnahan Claire McCaskill
Contribute Now to Good Government is Possible Russell
Contribute Now to Steve and Lynn's Fundraising Stephen J. Read
Contribute to Mark Udall Claire McCaskill
Support Claire McCaskill, Joe Donnelly, and Tina Smith
Support Democratic Women Chuck Schumer
Rush a donation to take back the Senate!
11 (Make That 13) Key Senate Races We Can Win David Gikow
Re-Elect Claire McCaskill
Contribute Now to Support Patty Murray Claire McCaskill
Contribute Now to Like A Slowly Boiled Frog ml10
Contribute Now to Hope is Viral Manny Rivera
Support Claire McCaskill's battle against Russian Communism
Support Democrats
Underfunded Candidates
Erin's Fundraising Page
Help Claire McCaskill win in Missouri!
Stand with Senators Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly, and Claire McCaskill?
Take the Senate
Help Democrats take back the Senate on Nov. 6!
Stand with Claire McCaskill
Contribute today!
Watch one of Claire's potential opponents celebrating Trumpcare – then donate to protect Missouri's Democratic Senate seat.
Democrats MUST Take the Senate 2018
The Fullerton Family Take Back the Senate Campaign
SAVE THE DEMOCRATIC SENATE and keep our nation moving forward toward a “we’re-all-in-this-together-society of shared prosperity and shared responsibility.” joining Eric Green, Carmin Reiss, Anna West Win...
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Shrieking Hell-bent Feminist She Devils for Claire
Final Push - Dem Senate Campaigns 2018
Thank McCaskill for Kavanaugh Vote
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Invest in candidates in winnable UNDECIDED races to help reclaim the U.S. Senate from Republicans.
Contribute Now to Claire McCaskill for Senate McCaskill for Missouri 2012
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Most Consequential Races 2018