Help Win Critical Seats in Michigan!
Help Win Critical Seats in Michigan!
Contribute Now to Support House Candidates from Michigan
Contribute Now to Support House Candidates from Michigan
The ActBlue Team
Protect these Democratic House Seats 2020!
Protect these Democratic House Seats 2020!
Support Frontline Democrats (U.S. House of Reps) in 2020 & DemsWork4USA
Support Frontline Democrats (U.S. House of Reps) in 2020 & DemsWork4USA
Donate to Haley Stevens
Donate to Haley Stevens
Support to "Keep It Blue" #KeepItBlue 2020 DemsWork4USA
Support to "Keep It Blue" #KeepItBlue 2020 DemsWork4USA
Donate to Haley Stevens and NewDem Action Fund!
Donate to Haley Stevens and NewDem Action Fund!
Blue Tomorrow for Haley Stevens
Blue Tomorrow for Haley Stevens
Donate to Haley Stevens' congressional campaign in Michigan's 11th. (PCCC)
Donate to Haley Stevens' congressional campaign in Michigan's 11th. (PCCC)
Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Profiles in Courage
Profiles in Courage
Chip in to support these great challengers and help take back the House!
Chip in to support these great challengers and help take back the House!
Stand with Suzanne Bonamici and Haley Stevens
Stand with Suzanne Bonamici and Haley Stevens
Elect game-changing Democrats in 2018!
Elect game-changing Democrats in 2018!
Donate to the highest priority races in the closest swing states
Donate to the highest priority races in the closest swing states
Trust Women to Lead
Trust Women to Lead
Blue Ripple Politics - Boost voter access in battleground states!
Blue Ripple Politics - Boost voter access in battleground states!
Donate $1 to each of these candidates to Get Out The Vote and work in a new Democratic Congress to protect and expand Social Security benefits. (PCCC)
Donate $1 to each of these candidates to Get Out The Vote and work in a new Democratic Congress to protect and expand Social Security benefits. (PCCC)
Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Front-Runner Blue Candidates
Front-Runner Blue Candidates
Join Tim in supporting these four incredible women for Congress!
Join Tim in supporting these four incredible women for Congress!
Stand with Haley Stevens!
Stand with Haley Stevens!
2018 House and Senate
2018 House and Senate
Help Haley Stevens win this TOSS-UP House race in Michigan!
Help Haley Stevens win this TOSS-UP House race in Michigan!
Supporting Democrats Who Vote For Impeachment
Supporting Democrats Who Vote For Impeachment
Thank you for joining the campaign
Thank you for joining the campaign
Trust Women to Lead
Trust Women to Lead
Forty House Seats To Freedom
Forty House Seats To Freedom
We've Got Your Back 2020
We've Got Your Back 2020
Adam Bonin
2020 House Race
2020 House Race
Help these progressives in the tightest races GET OUT THE VOTE!
Help these progressives in the tightest races GET OUT THE VOTE!
Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Give Democrats the 26 delegations they'd need to elect Biden if the race goes to the House
Give Democrats the 26 delegations they'd need to elect Biden if the race goes to the House
Spleeny's House candidates 2020
Spleeny's House candidates 2020
Support these Game Changers and Take Back the House
Support these Game Changers and Take Back the House
Courage to Impeach
Courage to Impeach
Support Rep. Haley Stevens MI-11 & Democrats Work For America
Support Rep. Haley Stevens MI-11 & Democrats Work For America