Barack Obama

Election: Barack Obama — Barack Obama
This election has ended.
Image of Barack Obama

Who's supporting Barack Obama

Contribute Now to captdave4dems Captain Dave
Contribute Now to naya page for checking the working status naya page develop
Contribute Now to Boston for Barak! Madhuri
Contribute Now to You can make a difference ... Nancy Blachman
Contribute Now to Barak Obama 2008 Samuel Messing
Contribute Now to Queen of the Queens for Obama Thom Lynch
Contribute Now to Androsko for Obama Androsko
Contribute Now to Rock with Barack 2008! Nathan Lean, Executive Director
Contribute Now to BARACK THE VOTE Casey
Contribute Now to 2012 Money Where It Matters Jeremiah B Spires
Contribute Now to Democrat action for Obama Nasser ZAMMIT
Four more years Toby Thomas
Contribute Now to Getting to 60! Matt Rogers
Contribute Now to Brad Blakeman Memorial Fund for Obam's Trip Gangster Octopus
Fierce Progressives Roger Freedman
Contribute Now to Obamania! Jess
Contribute Now to Obama To Get It Done! David Penkala
Contribute Now to A NEW TOMORROW Tommy F. Scott
Contribute Now to Hampton Democrats 2007-08 Hampton Democrats
Contribute Now to Barack Obama in Austin. Show some Texas-sized love, yall!
Contribute Now to women for obama Roz
Contribute Now to Political Artwork Blog Supporters EmilyD
Contribute Now to Rob's List from RobWire.Com And BlueSunbelt.Com Rob
Contribute Now to California Sunshine Fund Bill Orton
Contribute Now to Help save North Carolina Ruby Sinreich
Contribute Now to BoC supported candidates Nicholas Cohen
Help Obama Win! Paul Sandman
Contribute Now to The Political Catalyst Kristy McDonald
Contribute Now to Pat-Crowley.Org 's Fundraising Page Pat Crowley
Contribute Now to Third Avenue Endorsed Candidates Oldenburg
Contribute Now to Momentum Oliver Griswold
Contribute Now to Gard our Tomorrow S Gard
Contribute Now to Democratic Warriors for Change!!!!!! KyndCulture
Contribute Now to Obama 2012 John Cole
Contribute Now to Oppose Joe's Friends Jeremy Peters
Contribute Now to Blue Revolution USA The Blue Revolution
Contribute Now to Louisiana Coastal Preservation PAC Joshua W Delano
Contribute Now to Ambrosius--Fundraising page Ambrosius
Contribute Now to Obama for President 2008 Scott Silva
Contribute Now to DOSTLUK-FILIA-FRIENDSHIP Tanaskidis G. Alexander
Contribute Now to Go Obama Gregory
Contribute Now to Net Neutrality FTW! Maine's Future
Contribute Now to C4O All-Stars Andrew Davey
Contribute Now to PhastPhil's Act Blue Page PhastPhil
Contribute Now to Consider a New Idea: A Brown President Daniel Armendariz
Contribute Now to Silent Liberalism Micah
Contribute Now to Michigan State Students for Barack Obama Bryce Colquitt
Contribute Now to Progress for America Neal
Contribute Now to Crimson Caucus Jim Griffin
Contribute Now to Donating to Obama due to Hillary's BS radio ad John Hlinko
Contribute Now to ITALY FOR BARACK OBAMA Pierluigi M.
Contribute Now to Take Our Country Back Daniel Wagoner
Contribute Now to A Better World with Barack Obama Wael Merza
Contribute Now to poe's page Pam
Contribute Now to Saramerica Supports Barack Obama Saramerica
Contribute Now to Match Hillary's Millions Yehuda Katz
Contribute Now to Kellek's Page Kel
Contribute Now to Feb Sweeps for Obama Scott Gilroy
Contribute Now to Support Our Troops/Support Our Economy -- Obama '08 M. Kathryn Graham
Contribute Now to Barack Obama Justice Insider
Contribute Now to Doing My Part For The Left Candidates refinish69
Contribute Now to Candidates to Support! Adam Francois Watkins
Contribute Now to Blue Majority DailyKos, OpenLeft, & the Swing State Project
Contribute Now to Support These Candidates Sarah Mueller
Contribute Now to Greg's Page Greg Mt.Joy
Contribute Now to Help Swing States Become Democratic! Thomas
Contribute Now to Goons for a Blue Majority ho mercy
Contribute Now to Political Head's Endorsed Politiopotamians
Contribute Now to Balloon Juice for Obama John Cole
Contribute Now to Money Bomb, 4/29 edition Chris Freel
Contribute Now to Erik's Endorsements Erik Moe
Contribute Now to SALTO FOR OBAMA Ethan Salto
Contribute Now to AMERICAblog Supports Barack Obama John Aravosis,
Contribute Now to Silverton Oregon for Obama! Chuck Sheketoff
Contribute Now to Barack Obama for President Lexie
Contribute Now to Eradicate the GOP Cathy in CV, CA
Contribute Now to Support Barack Obama Mash
Contribute Now to The Supreme Irony of Life ... David (Austin Tx)
Contribute Now to Obama For President 2008 Wilbert Clerizier
Contribute Now to Orlando Obamites Debopam Chakrabarti
Contribute Now to OBAMA! Peter Taft
Contribute Now to Obama for President 2008 Stephen Rosenblum
Contribute Now to Hedy's Friends for Barack Obama Hedy Salter
Contribute Now to Brothers and sisters, can you spare a little social change? Renee Guillory
Contribute Now to A time for change David Hunter
Contribute Now to I am raising money for the Obama Campaign Lynn Rosenthal
Contribute Now to Raise The Funds Lynn Rosenthal
Contribute Now to Funds for our Future President! Sarah Murray
Contribute Now to Seize the Chance for Change Jackie Fish
Contribute Now to Amor Mundi Dale Carrico
Contribute Now to MySpace Suzanne Deal-Fitzgerald
Contribute Now to Get Obama to the White House, please! Sallie Taggart
Contribute Now to For the Nation! Milt Alksne
Contribute Now to Unite to Fight! Obama 08! AdamC
Contribute Now to Obama For President Mimi Mills
Contribute Now to This Is The Time Shawn Laasch
Contribute Now to Obama Fundraising Keith Balzer
Contribute Now to Let's get OBAMA in the White House al elvino
Contribute Now to Harris Mercer: Citizen's Decrees Harris
Contribute Now to 2008 Election IIntelligent Discontent
Contribute Now to Help WesPAC Help Democrats Win! General Wesley Clark & WesPAC
Contribute Now to Spare some change for Change Maloey E. Jones
Contribute Now to Blue America In 2008 Travis Liles
Contribute Now to Electing Democrats = A Better America Mark
Contribute Now to I Vote Democrat C. Marroquin-Henley
Contribute Now to 10k for Obama annomous
Contribute Now to 2008 Green Drive for DNC/Obama 50 States Campaign Patrick Dacre In Business4Good Enterprises
Contribute Now to 50 States, 50 Candidates Benjamin Haskin
Contribute Now to Economic Justice for All Portia Cornell
Contribute Now to WLBD 2008 Linda Arden
Contribute Now to Democrats 2008 Omar Narvaez
Contribute Now to Obama Progressive Leadership Fund
Contribute Now to Go Barack Solomon
Contribute Now to Obama's Idiots John and Hank Green
Contribute Now to small donations. DO IT! Chris Fisher
Contribute Now to Obama: Change for America Nicole
Contribute Now to Left Handed Candidates Sinister
Contribute Now to What's it about? Chris Hinkle
Contribute Now to In Honor of W's 62 Birthday The Progressive Electorate
Contribute Now to DUTY-HONOR-COUNTRY Russ Allen USMA82
Contribute Now to Leigh's Page for Change Leigh Nusbaum
Contribute Now to TrusPAC Robert Truscott
Activists for Barak Obama Kate Donaghue
Contribute Now to Worthy of Support Benjamin Roberts
Contribute Now to Arab For Obama Wasim Entabi
Contribute Now to My page for Obama Richard Jensen
Contribute Now to The Democratic Page Jeremy Sher
Contribute Now to A Better USA Lee Fiore
Contribute Now to Jim Roth and Andrew Rice for Oklahoma Colin Raley
Contribute Now to John McCain is a Joke
Contribute Now to Obama/Biden Arthur Lattanzi III
Contribute Now to This American Ready for Barack Obama Candy Neville
Contribute Now to 3 Point Shot Kevin Kappock
Contribute Now to Late Primaries Project Maureen White & The ActBlue Team
Contribute Now to Obamania 2008! Obamania Supporters
Contribute Now to It's Our Time Cliff
Contribute Now to Enough even I could be the Republican V.P.! marcia
Contribute Now to obama bracelets Lisa
Contribute Now to BTP 2008: You Have the Power! Todd
Contribute Now to I Donated A Case Of Beer To Barack Obama the Internet Generation (Facebook, Myspace, and...
Contribute Now to '08 Will Be Great Ryan Fagan
Contribute Now to Fresh Air Arthur Rodriguez-Allione
Contribute Now to Support Obama for Change Hoke Currie
Contribute Now to Liberals Creating Progress Campaign To Elect Great Democrats Joseph Segal
Contribute Now to Whisky and Wine against NASCAR! Gabe Hayes-Williams
Contribute Now to Not Howling Latina's Barack Obama's Support Page Not Howling Latina
Contribute Now to Older Women for Obama Phyllis Goldstein
Contribute Now to Older Women for Obama Phyllis Goldstein
Contribute Now to Support the Obama-Biden ticket Wes Clark
Contribute Now to Progressisphere for Obama Progressisphere
Contribute Now to Choice, Equality, and Fairness Christopher
Contribute Now to No on prop 8 Holly Bandy
Contribute Now to 5 Dollar Fridays for Obama 5dollarfridays
Contribute Now to Sporks For Obama! spork_incident
Contribute Now to Obama for president Doug
Contribute Now to Wayne County Democrats Peter James
Contribute Now to Ed Researchers Love Obama Ed Researcher
Contribute Now to HPAC Hope Progress Action Change
Contribute Now to Gifts are for suckers. Dylan
Contribute Now to Time for a CHANGE in Minnesota. Lashe, a MN Dem
Contribute Now to (All donations go to Barack Obama's general campaign fund) Aaron Kositsky
Contribute Now to Blue Georgia! Will Mansberger
Contribute Now to Donate To Obama Link Mililionaire
Contribute Now to Donate for a Change Anthony
Contribute Now to Louisiana Stonewall Democrats Stephen Handwerk
Contribute Now to Stonewall Democrats of Denton County Candidate Support Stonewall Democrats of Denton County
Contribute Now to YELLOW DOG DEMOCRAT! Can you get more folksy than that??? J.C.Stevens
Contribute Now to The Jed Report The Jed Report
Contribute Now to Sarah Noxious says No on 8 Sarah Noxious
Contribute Now to The Lazy Activist Dan Neuner
Contribute Now to Senate Races '08 JDS
Contribute Now to Lucky Me! Ross Romine
Contribute Now to Bear Left Ian Lekus
Contribute Now to TJ THOMSON for Boise City council TJ supporter
Contribute Now to 7-Mile Beach Democratic Club Beach Democrats
Contribute Now to Brewster New York for Obama-Biden 2008 Chris Bautista
Contribute Now to dfaROCHESTER Endorsed Candidates dfaROCHESTER
Contribute Now to Barack the Youth Vote! Joe Vogel
Contribute Now to Sadwing Sadwing
Contribute Now to BlueChattanooga Nigel Sullivan
Robert Reich Event Event Organizers: Claire Chen-Carter, Colleen C...
Contribute Now to Massachusetts Latinos for Obama Carlos Ferre, Lucas Guerra, Hector Piña, Grace ...
Contribute Now to Main St. USA truth
Contribute Now to Andrew Cohen's Picks for 2008 Andrew Cohen
Contribute Now to Our generation's JFK David Simon
Contribute Now to Democratic Underground Presidential Fundraising Page Democratic Underground
Contribute Now to clean coal Dr. David
Contribute Now to's Barack Obama for President
Contribute Now to Turn Northern VA Blue John Williams
Contribute Now to More and Better Democrats MoBetterDems
Contribute Now to Matt Ortega
Contribute Now to Paint It Blue Progressives Bryce Colquitt
Contribute Now to Rhodes and Marshall Scholars for Obama
Contribute Now to Because we Have to Kathie
Contribute Now to AMERICAblog Presidential Candidates 2008 John Aravosis, editor,
Contribute Now to Obama for President James H Jorgensen
Contribute Now to Support Barack Obama Rev Jim Burkholder
Contribute Now to Progressive Candidates for a Blue Minnesota Andy Showalter
Contribute Now to DelawareLiberal Readers For Obama Jason Scott
Contribute Now to Texas Kaos Fundraising Page Texas Kaos
Contribute Now to I am Learner bhagirath
Contribute Now to Unite Tonight for Texas Burnt Orange Report
Contribute Now to Passion, Reason, & Courage Colin Koffel
Contribute Now to Eschaton '08 Challengers Atrios
Contribute Now to LGBT Actvist for Obama Ethan Geto
Contribute Now to Jeff's Netroots Page Dr. Jeff in Maryland
Contribute Now to Blunt 2 Go Nicole
Contribute Now to The Forgotten candidates (senate / house) Barath
Contribute Now to We The People Washington Woman blog
Contribute Now to Ray's picks Raymond H Katz
Contribute Now to AsiansVote AsiansVote
Contribute Now to Time for Change Debbie Forczek
Contribute Now to Let's Take Back the White House! Brendan Donahue
Contribute Now to Intoxination President 08 Intoxination
Contribute Now to NC Politics Blog Don Pickerel
Contribute Now to Dons California Politics Blog Don Pickerel
Contribute Now to Dinner, Dancing & Silent Auction for Obama Cory Dickman
Contribute Now to Obama Mamas - Please Match our Donation! Activistas
Contribute Now to Turn Alaska Blue! rib
Contribute Now to Fundraising for Barack Obama Andrea
Contribute Now to Relief for America Ryan VanReenan
Contribute Now to Hokies for Obama Cliff
Contribute Now to CHS Alums for Obama/Biden Michael Zimmer
Contribute Now to Palin Vetting Fund hdaman
Contribute Now to We have Obama's back Barath
Contribute Now to McCain/Palin Liar Jar AsiansVote
Contribute Now to Obama, Obama, Obama Jim Castleman
Contribute Now to Aloha Barack and Howard! Christina Newhard, Mari Newhard, Eila Masur, Ka...
Contribute Now to My President Palin MyPresidentPalin.Com
Contribute Now to Be The Power 2008 Todd
Change'08 International Night for Obama Change'08 & New Americans for Obama
Contribute Now to Spyderchat for the Democrats Ernie Ball
Contribute Now to Reagan & Farryn Timeka
Contribute Now to Werewolf Cookie Recipients for Change! Wolfie
Authors for Obama Amy Sohn
Contribute Now to Obamanos Richard Greene
Contribute Now to Manifest Hope Arts Festival Huntsville Action Team
Contribute Now to Members for Obama Lil Bola
Contribute Now to DLOOPS '08 D.A.L.
Contribute Now to Donate In Honor of Barack's Grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham RB from KC
Contribute Now to DallasAirAmericaGroups Nancy Cunningham
Contribute Now to Looking for a Representative in VA 01 Shawn O'Donnell for Congress
Contribute Now to Cleveland's CSC for Progressive Change CSC
Contribute Now to Houston Steven Romero
Contribute Now to MLB YLFO MLB YLFO
Lets keep our company successful and secure our jobs! Dan Carrera
Contribute Now to Obama visits Grandma Christine
Contribute Now to Group Hugs & Haikus for Obama John Hlinko
Contribute Now to For Barack's Grandma ratmach
Contribute Now to Oceguera for Equality Richard Oceguera
Contribute Now to Nor'Easter Victim Samantha Hart
Contribute Now to Let's Get Going David Andrukonis
Contribute Now to Pagan Nero Sean
Contribute Now to Bobby Mills for Maine State House #136 Bobby Mills
Contribute Now to dsgfsadf ace technologies page.................
Contribute Now to ace neeraj technologies ace technologies page.................
Contribute Now to today special ashok
ace technologies ashok
Contribute Now to naya page by ashok kumar today develop... ashok naya page develop.........
Contribute Now to Generation Obama-Washington, DC fundraising page Jim McBride
Contribute Now to DLU - Turn Congress - Blue Robert L. Gallimore
Contribute Now to Jacksonville LGBT Kevin Walker
Contribute Now to Obama 2012 Todd Lytle
Contribute Now to Blue Idaho. Act Local. Jason Denizac
Contribute Now to The Progressive Talk Radio Network Jelani D. Hilliard Jackson
Contribute Now to Support Tod Theise Belliah Theise
Contribute Now to Mark's Page Mark Ballard
Contribute Now to Barack Obama 2012 Denis Mehulic
Contribute Now to President Obama Needs You Jon Cykman
Contribute Now to Steve and Lynn's Fundraising Stephen J. Read
Contribute Now to Institutional Hasto Bedone
Contribute Now to Kosher Donkey Rebecca Kabat
Contribute Now to Obama to save healthcare Kevin
Contribute Now to kandidate Dr.A.Khan
Contribute Now to #2012FTW Hannah
Movement Money Eddy Morales
Contribute Now to Near Corvallis Oregon Corvallis Resident
Work for a better futuer for us ALL robert decarlo
A Bluer Congress in 2012 Jon Adams
Contribute now to protect Ohio voters Daily Kos
Contribute Now to Progressives to Fight Corporate Greed J Boettner
Contribute Now to Obama for America rryals
Contribute Now to Mitch Picks Mitch Goldwater
Contribute Now to Get Back Up SK
Contribute Now to The Fight for 2012 Twitter: Futuredems
Contribute Now to Bible Belters for Progress Brian
Contribute Now to Support Obama for better tomorrow Hichame Laassal
Contribute Now to ObamaCare Harshal Patel
Contribute Now to The Moving America Forward Institute Jelani Hilliard Jackson
Contribute Now to The Great American Restoration Bob Aubin
Contribute Now to Go President Obama! Elizabeth Hennessey
Contribute Now to Bear Left 2012 Ian Lekus
Contribute Now to It's Necessary to support our President in 2012 Don Necessary
Contribute Now to Mike's faves Mike
Contribute Now to VA 7th Congr Dist.-- Cantor No More Territory Clifton E. Barnhill: Friend Of The VA 7th Congr...
Contribute Now to Tampa for Obama Re-election 2012 Jim Piccillo
Contribute Now to Chris Kelly for California
Contribute Now to Obama for President Grassroots Frances Burke
Counter Citizens United with Grass Root Supprt! Jason Simmons
Contribute Now to Obama 4 Pres David Gildea
Contribute Now to Kirk's 2012 Candidates R. Kirk McPike
Contribute Now to Donate to Barack Obama! Jay M.
Final Donations Tracy Griswold
Contribute Now to Thank President Obama for endorsing marriage equality!
Contribute Now to Students for Obama Reza
My 2012 Candidates Michael Adam Childers
Strong Progressives JR
Contribute Now to Josh Tjaden 2012 Josh Tjaden
president Art Schiffman
Contribute Now to OBAMA PRIDE Jay Lassiter
Contribute Now to Obama NYC Benjamin Yee
Contribute Now to Our Hearts Bleed Blue Lanie Saunders
Contribute Now to Obama: The Best Choice We Have Tomas Gomez
Contribute Now to Donate to Obama2012 in the name of a virulent Obama-basher Sheila Wallenius
Contribute Now to GranmasForObama Kathleen Morrison
Re-Elect Barack Obama and a Democratic Congress Workers' Voice
Contribute Now to Do it now: Fight back against Rove Jacquie Heffner
Palm Springs for Obama JP & Jessica :)
Contribute Now to Blue Cowboys Correy Youngblood
Contribute Now to American Citizen's Pledge Michael Makeright
Contribute Now to Obama Nightly News for Obama/Biden 2012 Obama Nightly News
Decitect for Dems 2012 decitect
Contribute Now to LGBT Voters for Progressive Democracy Madison Hindman Jr.
Contribute Now to GBV Dems Support Page John Tehan
Contribute Now to Sammie and Jake's Wedding Samantha Streicher and Jake Honigman
Contribute Now to SEIU Endorses Barack Obama for Re-Election Service Employees International Union
Contribute Now to New Mexicans for Martin Ari
Contribute Now to Obama Gay Marriage Endorsement Tom
Contribute Now to help stop the gop lying Giles
Obama 2012 Thomas
Obama 2012 Thomas
Your Civil Rights Are On The Chopping Block! Evie Stevenson
Contribute Now to S. Woodland for Obama and Brown The host committee
Contribute Now to My page for Obama Rob
Contribute Now to Support Obama! Mister Ha
Contribute Now to Progressathon 2012 Dave Teeters, Michael Biczynski, and Dick Rudloff
Contribute Now to 2012--Mitch's Picks Mitch Goldwater
Contribute Now to Obama Plus Greendogs
Contribute Now to Frisco's Favorite Dems - 2012 frisco
My Family and Friends for Obama R Major
Pedestrian Xing Harlan Rotblatt
Contribute Now to Re- Elect President Barack Obama Frances Garcia
Contribute Now to The Progressive Political Action Fund VENTOPIX
Contribute Now to Obama2012 Big Fat Supporter
Contribute Now to Progressive Backlash Joseph Burns
Contribute Now to Edinaya Rossiya Sergey
Keen's Slate Cliff Keen
Contribute Now to Show no mercy Camsteve
Contribute Now to Keep Moving Forward Daine Roswess
Contribute Now to OFA
Blues Cats suncat
Contribute Now to Progressives Ready To Re-Elect President Obama Michael D. Dowdy
Contribute Now to AggiesForDems Dean
Contribute Now to Race Tracking pakaal
Contribute Now to Colin's Family Challenge Colin Campbell
Contribute Now to Irish Musicians for Obama Julia Horner
Contribute Now to Able Pragmatic Progressives Peggy M
Contribute Now to OHN Supports Barack Obama O Hell Nawl
Contribute Now to "GOT HOPE" Tresa Stitley
Contribute Now to President Obama - Make it Really Happen Rozanne Gates
Contribute Now to A Dollar for Obama Supporters of Obama
Contribute Now to Mervin Evans for State Senate - 28 - CA Mervin Evans
Contribute Now to Terriers for Obama! Kemper Wray
Contribute Now to Victory 2008 Democratic Victory 2008
Contribute Now to Team Barack Vishal Doshi
Contribute Now to Baby Neil PAC Baby Neil
Contribute Now to Gwen's endorsed candidates Gwen Gordon
Contribute Now to I Want To Live In A Blue State! Lioness75
Contribute Now to Theater Artists for Obama Joe Rux
Contribute Now to Contribute to Barack Obama Karly
Contribute Now to Running for Obama and Heinrich Leslie Boyadjian
Contribute Now to pıן ɹnoʎ dıןɟ with Donations Flip My Text
Contribute Now to R4NJ Rothman4NewJersey
Contribute Now to sandwichrepair Sandwich Repairman
Contribute Now to Dust Bunnies For Obama David Dust
Contribute Now to JamesList James
Contribute Now to Made in the USA Political Action Committee Joel D. Joseph
Contribute Now to WiseAss
Contribute Now to Your Obama Tax Cut
Contribute Now to Help America Win Nigel Sullivan
Contribute Now to A new country, a new world Michael Gehringer
Contribute Now to Go Obama Go Go Obama d2
Contribute Now to Utah Democratic Leadership James Curneal
Contribute Now to Toward a Working Majority - US House Regi Burns
Contribute Now to Progressive community blog's 2008 Presidential candidates!! Terry Carter, Editor,
Contribute Now to Tea Party 08 dvBlue
Stonewall for Obama National Stonewall Democrats
Contribute Now to Get the Country Back on Track! Julie
Contribute Now to Support Barack Obama Connie Cox Price
Contribute Now to Kickin Donkey Eric Kibel
Contribute Now to Friends of Bob Hagan and Barack Bob Hagan
Contribute Now to Support The Common Good Kathie Gribble
Contribute Now to YA FOR OBAMA YA for Obama
Contribute Now to Disturbing the GOP Dan Kachur
Vanderbilt for Obama Fundraiser, October 14th Vanderbilt Students for Barack Obama
Contribute Now to Xav Productions Presents: Barack the Vote Music Festival Xav Serrato
Contribute Now to Support these people for a better tomorrow! Tim Wayne
Obama Rocks 2012 Pamela Drake
Contribute Now to 2012 Kene
Contribute Now to Generation of Courage - Barack Obama Letta & GetYourSk8On Entertainment
Contribute Now to Barack Obama 08' Portland Group Fundraising Page Barack Obama 08' Portland Group
Contribute Now to GLBT for Obama JOToole
Contribute Now to Shortbus Politics Fundraising for 2008 Candidates Shortbus Politics
Contribute Now to Berks County Democratic Candidates Berks County Democratic Party
Contribute Now to ignu ignu
Contribute Now to Harvard for Barack Obama The Commons
Contribute Now to Walt and Bob for Barack 2012 Walt and Bob
Contribute Now to Jeffrey
Contribute Now to Frisco's Favorite Dems - 2012 frisco
Contribute Now to Democrats Abroad - Ireland Frank Manies
Contribute Now to Red, Black, White for Bue Yang Hu
chritmas rahul
Concerned Americans For Obama BRog
Beers4Obama Eugene Jho
Are you in? Prueba
The Ohio voter turnout fund from Daily Kos Daily Kos
Contribute Now to please donate or there dead! christopher maher
Contribute Now to UpperLeft Shaun
Contribute Now to Help Obama Get Into the White House Cynthia
Contribute Now to Fed Up? Vote Democratic!! Carl Olson
Contribute Now to Donate for Democratic Victory Corey Shepherd
Contribute Now to The Highest Mountain Houston
Contribute Now to Positive Change You Can Count On Roger G
Contribute Now to Friends of OO OWEN O'DONNELL Rick Smoke, Treasurer
Contribute Now to Time For Change Carla
Contribute Now to Maryscott OConnor
Contribute Now to Steve's List 2008 Steve Collins
Contribute Now to Preparing for 2008 Kim Norton
Contribute Now to dollarforobama Eamon Kelly
Contribute Now to A (very) little bit helps. Tony
Contribute Now to FYRP eric mortensen
Contribute Now to I Believe in Barack Geoff Schmidt
Contribute Now to Democrats for the U.S. Tony Pelliccio
Contribute Now to dugshop for Obama
Contribute Now to Clout! with Richard Greene on Air America Richard Greene
Contribute Now to Shane's Fundraising Page Shane
Contribute now to the Daily Kos voter turnout fund Daily Kos
Gateway Jason Franklin
Contribute Now to Orange to Blue 2012 Kos
Daily Kos for Barack Obama Daily Kos
Save the Supreme court! Jim Farnam
Winnable Seats 2012 Sk
Re-elect President Obama Barbara Lee for Congress committee
Barack Obama 2012 Kiescha Benton
Help make a change debra harris nixon
Contribute Now to OBAMAS HOPE Mario Diez
Contribute Now to Mobile's Take for Obama Ken
Contribute Now to OH-1/OH-2, throw 'em out! Andrew
Contribute Now to Ex-Pats for Obama Concerned Americans Abroad
Contribute Now to Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid... Marc's List
Contribute Now to Now's the time! Robert Miskimon
Contribute Now to With Our Help He Wins Archie Merwin
Contribute Now to Our Time Is Now! Richard Kevin Cartwright
Contribute Now to The Need For Change Ginger Sitler
Contribute Now to The Average Man likes these candidates The Average Man
Contribute Now to Toward a Working Majority - US Senate Regi Burns
Contribute Now to Save What's Left scribbler
Meet the Candidate Adolfo "Popo" Gonzalez
Contribute Now to Success 08 David Manley
Contribute Now to Obama-bama-bo-bama! Marisa Pineau
Contribute Now to Democratic Party In Action Keri Nowling
Contribute Now to Save Our County Christi Metropole
Contribute Now to Liberation from Fear Zero
Contribute Now to Obama for President Daniel Miller
Contribute Now to Welch and Kitchens Friends & Family for Senator Obama Morgan E. "Chip" Welch
Contribute Now to Why I can't Vote For A Republican Jesse C. Woodward III
Contribute Now to WhosPlayin's Democratic Candidate Fund
Contribute Now to Feel The Blue Zazaura David Zaza
Contribute Now to A Blue Congress for Progress Chris Taylor
Contribute Now to A More Perfect Union dv4dems08
Contribute Now to MPWers for Obama/Biden James Seidler
Contribute Now to West Michigan Rising Dozen The WMR Editors
Contribute Now to Rock-4-Obama Sean Yox
Contribute Now to Candidates Leading the Charge to Clean Up our Government Amy Elliott
Contribute Now to I Want This Country to be the Best It Can Be Richard Hicks
Contribute Now to Muslim for Obama Wasim Entabi
Contribute Now to Help Adam Raise Money for Obama! Adam Smith
Contribute Now to Kostal Support for Obama hdaman
Contribute Now to My Page Anthony medeiros
Contribute Now to Red to Blue, Jersey Style! Jay Lassiter
Contribute Now to MelzPols Mel Green
Contribute Now to Wildland Firefighters Supporting Obama Guy Lewis
Contribute Now to Vermont for Obama 2012 Martin Miles
Contribute Now to Albany for Obama Maureen O'Brien
Contribute Now to Moving America Forward Diane Webb
Sozai for Obama Gil payne
Contribute Now to Jazz for America's Future Presents "Jazz for Obama" Aaron Goldberg and Pavani Thagirisa
Contribute Now to hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Contribute Now to hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaa asdfsdaf
Contribute Now to asdfd asdfsdaf
Contribute Now to neeraj sharma neeraj
Contribute Now to dfgsd sdfgsdfg
naya event page aaj banayaa hai.... astech
Contribute Now to ammmmmmmmmmmmm aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Contribute Now to I Have No Swiss Bank Accounts Harshal Patel
Contribute Now to Independent Veterans for Obama Victoria Richardson
Contribute Now to Smith for Obama Jim Smith
Contribute Now to ObamaRocks Don V. Lax
Contribute Now to Pollard and Friends for Obama Caleb Pollard
Contribute Now to goooooObama Vicki
Contribute Now to TNB adam conner
Contribute Now to Re-Enchant the Land Disenchanted2nd
Contribute Now to Democrats of Precinct 2100 Dallas County Texas Andy Ternay
Contribute Now to jobsanger jobsanger
Contribute Now to Democrats and Other Progressive Groups Worth Your Support! Todd D. Epp
Contribute Now to NJ for Democracy - 2008 Campaigns NJ4D Executive Board
Contribute Now to testiness thisguy
Contribute Now to Deductibles for Obama Mean Rachel
Contribute Now to Tom's Candidates Tom Schumm
Eden Fuson for Senate, Kansas 14th District Eden Fuson
Contribute Now to The Transgender Community and Allies Support Obama Transgender and Allied Democrats
Contribute Now to Fighting For Brilliance Colin A.B.
Contribute Now to Hope for our Politics Dallas Barack Obama for President
Contribute Now to Barack Obama/ Hillary Clinton, Utah Needs a Black or Woman or Both Alex Peacock, 16
Contribute Now to Dollar for Change Bradley
Contribute Now to Howard-Empowered People howardempowered
Contribute Now to Money Where it Matters 08 Jeremiah B Spires
Contribute Now to for Barack Obama 2008 ObamaLA Directors: Marc Whittemore / Alek Lev
Contribute Now to My Candidates for 2008! DJ Asson
Contribute Now to brilliantatbreakfast brilliantatbreakfast
Contribute Now to TAKE BACK THE US FOR US Susan Dianne Rice
Contribute Now to Change is on the Horizon-Obama 2008 Juliann McCarthy
Contribute Now to A new Vision for America Raul & Emilie de Brigard
Contribute Now to jr jr
Contribute Now to Fairfax County Young Democrats Fairfax County Young Democrats
Contribute Now to Rick Noriega for Senate Menopausal Mick
Contribute Now to Let's Change the World, Together Jacqueline Griffin
Contribute Now to Yes We Can! Daryn DeZengotita
Contribute Now to Change is Needed Bill Murphy
Contribute Now to The Future Starts Here Neal Kielar & Jon Mehus
Contribute Now to Onward and upward Larry Hawkins
Contribute Now to AZRTD For Barrack RJ Holland aka Arizona's Rockin the Donkey
Contribute Now to A snarky cynic's Obama page Pat Britton
Contribute Now to Freedom Is for Everyone Walter Novey
Contribute Now to Funds For Obama Gideon, Stella & Nurit
Contribute Now to OUR NEXT PRESIDENT Leon Van Dyke
Contribute Now to Proud American! slys114
Contribute Now to Stop the failed policies of conservatism Pete_Ross
Contribute Now to A New Way For Democracy Kevin
Contribute Now to Decitect's ActBlue Page decitect
Contribute Now to $17.76 money bomb Progressive Electorate
Contribute Now to Stonewall Democrats Supporting Barack Obama Stonewall Democrats
Contribute Now to Wilsonville - Sherwood Democrats Bill
Contribute Now to Obama for Prez Joe
Contribute Now to Noooo for Obama Sean T. Collins
Contribute Now to Big O and Big Al Metacom
Contribute Now to Democrats '08: Its Pro-Choice or No-Choice! Morgan Berman
Contribute Now to Beat the Odds with Obama! Dev
Contribute Now to Win Ohio for Obama Sandi DuBowski
Contribute Now to Let's Make Change Together Leon Miller-Out
Contribute Now to United We Stand - 2008 Raymond Vitale
Contribute Now to Progressive candidates I recommend Roger Freedman
Contribute Now to The Carter Gilson Report non-endorsement Page Jeffrey Carter Gilson
Contribute Now to Barack Obama Alex Locke
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