Kelly Fowler

Election: Kelly Fowler — Kelly Fowler
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Re-Elect Delegate Fowler!
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Incentivize other Dems by rewarding these state-level office-holders and candidates who are fighting the NRA. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Incentivize other Dems by rewarding Democratic women who are fighting the NRA. (PCCC) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
It's time to change who holds power. Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Re-Elect one of the few LGBTQ Representatives in Virginia!!!!
Election Day: November 7. Chip in $1 each to help them win! Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Private Screening of Avengers: Infinity War
Stand up for Charlottsville. Elect immigrants, trans people, and people of color to the Virginia legislature.
Stop the NRA in VA 2017
Support Del. Kelly Fowler's Re-election Campaign!
Election Day: November 7. Meet our candidates (and chip in $1 each to help them win!) Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Stand with Bold Progressive Champions in Virginia and New Jersey! Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Defend our public schools from Betsy DeVos. Elect these champions on November 7. Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Flip Virginia with Red2Blue
Help us get small $ donations
People over Politics
Give to the Democrats running to replace Republicans in Clinton districts
Stand with these 2017 Champions Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Stand with these 2017 Champions Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
We can change who holds power in these 10 races. Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Stand with these 2017 Champions Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Support Victory Fund's Vulnerable Incumbents!
Election Day: November 7. Chip in $1 each to help them win! Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)
Election Day: November 7. Take back our states. Take back redistricting. Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)