Cartwright Victory Fund

Charlestown Democratic Town Committee (RI)

Clean Energy Democrats PAC

Image of Climate Action Rhode Island

Climate Action Rhode Island

Image of Dan Mckiernan

Dan Mckiernan

DC Statehood PAC - Unlimited

Deborah Kelso

Democratic Turnout Project PAC

Image of Don Grebien

Don Grebien

Image of Doris De Los Santos

Doris De Los Santos

East Greenwich Democratic Town Committee (RI)

Image of Formerly Incarcerated Union of Rhode Island

Formerly Incarcerated Union of Rhode Island

Image of Foster Democratic Town Committee (RI)

Foster Democratic Town Committee (RI)

Gerald Carbone

Glocester Democratic Town Committee (RI)

Her Bold Move Action - Unlimited

Hopkinton (RI) Democratic Town Committee

Image of International Women's Writing Guild

International Women's Writing Guild