Resilient Majority PAC

Rhode Island Democratic State Committee

Image of Rhode Island Healthcare Access and Affordability Partnership

Rhode Island Healthcare Access and Affordability Partnership

Rhode Island National Organization for Women

Image of Rhode Island Progressive Democrats

Rhode Island Progressive Democrats

Image of Rhode Island Queer Political Action Committee

Rhode Island Queer Political Action Committee

Rhode Island State Democratic Committee - Federal Account

Richmond Democratic Town Committee (RI)

Image of RI Democratic Women's Caucus PAC

RI Democratic Women's Caucus PAC

RI Senate Democrats PAC

RI Senate Leadership PAC

Image of RI Working Families Party PAC

RI Working Families Party PAC

Schiff Vindman Victory Fund

Scituate Democrat Town Committee (RI)

Image of Scott Slater

Scott Slater

Image of Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition PAC

Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition PAC

Image of TGI Network of Rhode Island

TGI Network of Rhode Island